Monday, September 13, 2010

First day of school

Okay. So Today was the first day of school. I was stressed since I didn't finish my summer homework. I arrived to school and attended my first class of the day, homeroom. My homeroom was a debate homeroom so I had to pay attention to this class and everything serious but since it was the first day, it was just explanations and such. I was planning on dropping that class but one of my friends was in that class with me so I wasn't alone. Soon after, I discovered that I'll just stay in that homeroom for now since I have until Friday to decided to stay or leave. My homeroom was pretty easy to deal with today so on to the next. 

Okay. So my first period was Spanish. Spanish seemed pretty easy to deal with also. I had much more friends and people I knew in that class so it was alright. I don't know if it will be hard or easy but it is worth the attempt to the class.

Next is English. My english teacher was connected to my debate teacher in some ways so it was interesting. My english teacher was also connected to my history teacher. She said that the two of them will be teaching their classes on the same subject/unit so it will be easy for us to deal with. We already started doing a warm up on our unit so it was a start. I found out that I had to get some materials for this class so I decided to take note on that. I also found out that my summer homework was due by wednesday so I still had two days to do it till I turn it in so I was lucky. 

My third period was PE. We didn't do anything other than getting our numbers and hanging out during the time we had till the bell rang. 

My fourth period was finally history. Like I said, this class was connected to my english class so my teacher just explained our homework and a website that we could access from the school computer that can help us in our studies at school. We also started making name tags in some ways. We also received textbooks or actually assigned textbooks to us but we didn't need to take it home. 

My fifth period was Math Analysis. All we did in that class was let our teacher explain a few things to the entire class and do some work that is also our homework. 

The last period of the day was my Advanced Placement Environmental Science or aka. APES. In this class, we collected our summer homework and we also received our textbooks to take home. We didn't need to keep it at school so we had to bring it home to do our homework there. We also did a sort of student survey and we also went over the class syllabus. Other than that, we did nothing much else.

So, all in all, the first day of school was easy and not that hard to go through. As much as I must say, it was easy to deal with and easy to learn about a few things. That's pretty much it. Look forward to other things... in the future... XD