Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April 11, 2012

So today, our school had a out of state college fair during our lunch time. I got to learn about some new colleges and I learned about one of the shipping program thing from Bed Bath and Beyond. They also gave me a kind of crystal gel thing that gets rid of odor. I haven't used it yet but it seems pretty interesting. As for the rest of my school day, it was pretty boring. Not much happened and I got pretty bored in class aside from all the work I had to keep myself busy with.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April 10, 2012

So this is a day late post. So yesterday, I had painted my nails, or re painted them if I must say. So for the past week, I had panda nails. Well, now, I have bunny nails. I got the idea and how to paint them through Bubz Beauty from So thanks to her. Here's a picture of it on my hands. My left hand was done previous to my bunny nails so I didn't bother changing it: 

As for today, there wasn't much going on. I went to the place where I volunteer at and helped out for 2 hours. Aside from that, the day was pretty lax and easy to go through. Now I just need to prepare more for my future tests since there will be quite a few and it might even be quite hard. Bye for now.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Past Spring Break 2012

So although my spring break had past and had taken place during April 2-April 6, I'm updating my blog late. 

On March 31, I painted my nails to be panda looking. Here's a picture of it. 

So during my spring break week, I had received two books that I had won from two giveaways. The two books are

Katana by Cole Gibsen


Black Howl by Christina Henry

I finished reading Katana during the week from Wednesday to Thursday. But thank you to Karen Alderman from for Katana and thank you to Candace Redinger from for Black Howl.

I had a great day on April 6, too. I had a bit of time golfing, and then afterwords, I ate some popeye's chicken and went roller skating. It was my first time roller skating and I had gotten used to it pretty fast. 

I then went to my church's Good Friday service and crammed my homework on Sunday Night. >_< At least I was able to finish.

Well, that's it for now. Hope you liked the post.