Monday, October 11, 2010

After Debate Tournament School Day

OMG! Finally, I got over the first nerve wrecking debate tournament. Even though my partner and I lost and mostly the reason of our lost was me. Well, Today was the first day of school after the tournament. People asked 'how was the debate tournament?' All I said was that it was nerve wrecking or scary. Not much of a good compliment I give to others but actually, it was pretty fun. There was no actual problem when coming back to school. 

The first tournament was held at USC on October 8 and October 9. We rode on the bus to USC with Crenshaw High. Some of the JVs of our team said that Crenshaw was good. So, we had our tournament. On my 3rd round of the entire tournament, my partner and I went against Crenshaw. I noticed that they were good and okay but, they read straight of their coaches' typed paper. If any Crenshaw Debaters are reading any of this, then I hope that you can at least make it seem like you aren't reading straight off the paper when doing the rebuttals. The other parts of the debate was good. Only one set of partners of our school's team's novice went to  the quarter finals and to semi finals. These two would be Alejandro(?) and Darren(?). Their actually pretty good. At semi-finals, they had to go against Crenshaw. I thought our team was doing well, until the awards ceremony that announced our team as second place which totally sucked. But, even so, it was weird to share the bus with Crenshaw as they were first and we were second but whatever. We were still able to have a normal night on the bus. XD Best life ever. 

Back to school and not much really changes, other than talking to the other debate members more. Which was awkward for me. But all is cool and great. Not a problem here and not a problem there. Alls good. XD

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