Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 20, 2012

Okay. So I have no idea why I'm putting up another post so soon when there aren't even  any big events between the two days. Well, today, I had art, internship, and AP Lit. In Art, we had to start drawing our self portraits. My picture isn't the best since it doesn't look like I'm smiling, nor does it really look like my face. 

In internship, I did some busy work but aside from that I was by the phones once again. Not the most entertaining thing but necessary. 

In AP Lit, all we did was go through two chapters of Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. And aside from that, our teacher went on and on about his stories again. But the stories are usually pretty entertaining. 

Well, I need to start going with my college apps and deciding on my top 10 or maybe 6 colleges. I'm not entirely sure yet but I need to make my decisions soon so I can start filling out my apps and writing my essays/personal statements. I also need to work up the courage into asking my teachers to write me letters of recommendations. Grr...Life is so hard to deal with. But for the better I need to get going on my work so that I don't lag behind. Especially since I will get left behind if I don't keep things up. 

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