Thursday, August 26, 2010

Random day in the summer (part 1)

Okay. So, today is just a normal boring day. And this is a random post. I didn't do much other than be online and read some books. I also went to my weekly piano lessons. I didn't go to the library. And I just created this blog. I don't know what else to say for now. Okay I guess I'll talk about my dream.

 Okay. So, last night's dream was about me at some place. I really don't remember it much anymore. There was some kind of race. In the first race, a whole group of us became tied for first place. We had to split up and race one against one with another racer. Mine was with some guy. We decided to have some kind of get-to-know-each-other date. When he arrived, some girls standing on the side was all saying how such a cute and handsome guy had to date such an ugly girl. These girls started to talk to him and they ended up going else where without me. I just sat at a bench and waited for him to come back. I fell asleep there and he returned just as I woke up. He then noticed that I was there and started apologizing to me. I sighed to him and told him that it was okay. I then left him and went home. The next day, we had our actual race. I beat him in the race and told him that it was a good race. I returned to my friends who had also won. 
  In another part of the dream, I was with my friends. Some how I was in the middle of catching a friend from jumping off a tower. I caught her and we went off making it seem like not a big deal. We had some kind of free time at our some kind of school. My three friends were all counting how long they can do the split and sit up straight. (Outside of the dream, I was perfectly good at doing the right split) When I told them that I could do the split for a long time, they told me to do it. I did as they said and I did the split but somehow, my left leg didn't feel up to doing the split. It just didn't stay straight. They sighed and wandered off to where our breakfast was set up. I followed after them and we went to get our breakfast. After eating, our group leader said that she would pay for our meal. We were allowed to go outside and hang around. It was like deja vu when we went outside and stood at the tower. I headed toward my friend who was standing at the base of the tower. She was in the position of catching someone from falling. I looked up and saw another friend jumping off the tower. I put my arms out and was prepared to catch her when instead a soda can fell into my arms.  I was surprised. I looked at my other friend to find her putting down the jumping friend. I sighed and looked at the others who were standing beside me. I told them that I could have caught her if she was heading towards me. I said that I was able to catch her before but some how, this friend was ecstatic that the soda can that I caught was open. I didn't understand how that happen as the can was still full. That was when I woke up.

So, weird dream. I have a weird life and I'm feeling bored. Today is the day I started this blog hoping that I would update this blog more daily that others that I have failed in keeping up. Well, this is just part one in my random day in summer entries. Thanks for reading this.

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