Friday, August 27, 2010

Random day in the summer (part 2)

So today is pretty much a normal day? Well, not exactly. I had to wake up at 10 am to cook hamburgers for our lunch. My mother planned for us to go ice skating today. So I went ice skating and came back sore. I suppose I did at around 300 something laps around the rink. It was tiring but I was trying to race my brother who gave up half way. Well, I went home and bought some Milk Tea. Didn't get the one with Boba though. Then I rushed home to get my DVDs to return to the library since it was due today and the library was closing early today. Luckily, I made it. Other than that... Life is probably boring or as good as it can get today. Okay so here's last night's dream:

   I was at Costco with my mom and brothers. We were looking for things to do and everything. We saw our cousin and we started talking to them. I don't really remember the topic of the conversation but it took quite a while. We were all eating but ended up just talking. My friends came along and also ate with us. They left their things and went around to look around. I talked to my cousin and we talked for a long time while we had our empty plates in front of us. Some person came by and said that if we are done eating, we should leave. I gathered all my friends things as one of them came back to help out. My cousin took his things and we left. I noticed that I grabbed all of my male friend's things. When we left the place, I gave them to my friend and he said thanks. We all hung out outside of some place and talked there. My mother kept saying that we should go to Target to eat pizza and to bring some cheese home. 
  Another part of the dream was when I was with another group of friends. We were having some sort of race which consisted of no auto mobiles. We had to run. We were split into two teams and we had to run to the finish line. But one team was to stop the other team from making there. So we had to be fast and quiet as we ran. I saw many friends sacrifice themselves to help another get by. When we were near the end, I was being chased by a big guy. My dog came by and stopped the big guy by somewhat killing him in the game. As we started to run again, the big guy's dog came and chased after my dog. They had a big fight and I was worried that my dog wouldn't make it. We ran but my dog got caught, he escaped but the other dog was way faster. I ran to the finish and watched as my dog struggled to get away. Once he got away, he ran straight for the finish and made it. 
   Another part of the dream, was when I was racing my own brother in some sort of game that seemed too real to be a game. We were racing and seeing who can get the best time. I raced but was distracted by what some things do. I did something and caused both of our racers to die. That was weird and hilarious. We ended up doing some other game that seemed like the online game Runescape. We were fighting some monsters and ended up getting some box. I didn't know what to do with it so I didn't bother trying to open it. When a big boss type monster came, my brother was all yelling at me asking if I opened the box. I said no and gave it to him to open it. The boss came up to us and started to attack us. He didn't know how to open it so we switched position. I was the one opening the box while he protected me by fighting him away. Once I opened it, I traveled to the next part of the dream -___-
    I was planning some sort of party at some sort of hotel room. First we were having a gathering of friends and the sort, so I hung out with my friends and cousins. I took some gum from my cousin. Most of my friends were from this trip to China in the real world. (outside the dream) We all hung out and such. Even when people used the restroom, it didn't seem disgusting. I left the room after I checked out all the things my cousin brought. I went to prepare the party so I met up with my sister(? Don't have one outside the dream). I told her how I wanted the rooms to be aligned. The hotel staff helped align the rooms as we went to the next room. I found that the room was already aligned as I wanted it to be. I also found my friend with her boyfriend. She was saying how she doesn't want to be there and wants to leave. She got up and was about to leave when I told her to at least stay until we start the party. She sighed and went off back to where the others hung out with her boyfriend. My sister and I went downstairs and outside. We got into a bus and drove down to the gate to get the food. (I don't understand why we need to go to the gate the entrance) We passed by my older brother (? Don't have one of those either) and my dad (totally different than how my original dad looks like). We got out and told them to get the food. My dad wasn't feeling like doing that so we was complaining. My sister then said that he could drive the bus and pretend that that was the limo. My dad smiled and I said something like getting to work, limo driver. I then followed my sister to someplace else. I didn't know where it was but I followed her up the steps to part 2 of the party room. I was somehow scared of heights (which I am from what I know, not afraid of heights). I somehow got up there with the help of one of my friends. We tested out the first few of the games. Then I suddenly woke up. -__-

Yeah, that was a really long dream and a really weird description of the dream. Nothing crazy I suppose.

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