Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 20, 2012

Okay. So I have no idea why I'm putting up another post so soon when there aren't even  any big events between the two days. Well, today, I had art, internship, and AP Lit. In Art, we had to start drawing our self portraits. My picture isn't the best since it doesn't look like I'm smiling, nor does it really look like my face. 

In internship, I did some busy work but aside from that I was by the phones once again. Not the most entertaining thing but necessary. 

In AP Lit, all we did was go through two chapters of Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. And aside from that, our teacher went on and on about his stories again. But the stories are usually pretty entertaining. 

Well, I need to start going with my college apps and deciding on my top 10 or maybe 6 colleges. I'm not entirely sure yet but I need to make my decisions soon so I can start filling out my apps and writing my essays/personal statements. I also need to work up the courage into asking my teachers to write me letters of recommendations. Grr...Life is so hard to deal with. But for the better I need to get going on my work so that I don't lag behind. Especially since I will get left behind if I don't keep things up. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Few Months Later

I hate how I take forever just to make another post. I'm very inconsistent and end up not posting from days later or even months later according to this dated post. 

School has already started for about 1 entire month already. My classes for my senior year are:

AP Government
Intro to Art
AP Literature

As it can be seen, I have internship. I intern at my school district's headquarters and even on the same floor as our school district's superintendent's office. It's amazing to work there although the work I do aren't the most active things but they are very necessary. These jobs so far are just answering the phones and making sure the supply room is organized. Although the supply room job may be pretty lame in some people's eyes, its actually pretty good. Today, I was able to help someone find something since I helped organize the cabinet. I knew exactly where what they were looking for was and I was able to get it for them right away. It makes things very efficient and I like efficient. 

I also take art and my schedule says Intro to Art but in reality, the art class is pretty advanced. My class has already done some advanced drawings. We had to draw quite a few art pieces such as animals and very detailed fruits. We've only done one day of actual shapes, and one day of drawing a tea cup. Those were the only easy objects that we have drawn. Art can be complex sometimes especially when our teacher has us add even more touches to what seems to be a great and finished piece. But oh wells, it isn't our teacher's fault that its her first year teaching art. I would also love to show you some pictures of my art but my sketchbook is at school so I'll have to add the pictures into this post some time later when I have access to my sketchbook. 

Speech has been fine. It's a good class. We've been learning plenty since the beginning of the school year. Many philosophers such as Marx and Emerson. 

Well as a whole, senior year doesn't seem so bad yet. But I guess, senior year is pretty pricey. There are books I need to buy for my classes, money for plays  that I don't want to miss out on, Senior activities/things such as yearbook, prom, sweater. The worst thing is that I missed out on the senior portrait so I'm not going to be in the yearbook. I have no idea what I'm going to do about that. But I know my mom is going to get pissed. Oh wells. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April 11, 2012

So today, our school had a out of state college fair during our lunch time. I got to learn about some new colleges and I learned about one of the shipping program thing from Bed Bath and Beyond. They also gave me a kind of crystal gel thing that gets rid of odor. I haven't used it yet but it seems pretty interesting. As for the rest of my school day, it was pretty boring. Not much happened and I got pretty bored in class aside from all the work I had to keep myself busy with.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April 10, 2012

So this is a day late post. So yesterday, I had painted my nails, or re painted them if I must say. So for the past week, I had panda nails. Well, now, I have bunny nails. I got the idea and how to paint them through Bubz Beauty from So thanks to her. Here's a picture of it on my hands. My left hand was done previous to my bunny nails so I didn't bother changing it: 

As for today, there wasn't much going on. I went to the place where I volunteer at and helped out for 2 hours. Aside from that, the day was pretty lax and easy to go through. Now I just need to prepare more for my future tests since there will be quite a few and it might even be quite hard. Bye for now.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Past Spring Break 2012

So although my spring break had past and had taken place during April 2-April 6, I'm updating my blog late. 

On March 31, I painted my nails to be panda looking. Here's a picture of it. 

So during my spring break week, I had received two books that I had won from two giveaways. The two books are

Katana by Cole Gibsen


Black Howl by Christina Henry

I finished reading Katana during the week from Wednesday to Thursday. But thank you to Karen Alderman from for Katana and thank you to Candace Redinger from for Black Howl.

I had a great day on April 6, too. I had a bit of time golfing, and then afterwords, I ate some popeye's chicken and went roller skating. It was my first time roller skating and I had gotten used to it pretty fast. 

I then went to my church's Good Friday service and crammed my homework on Sunday Night. >_< At least I was able to finish.

Well, that's it for now. Hope you liked the post.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Stories that I write

I've totally forgotten and just remembered that I have an account in a Writer's website. Feel free to read my stories on my profile:

I'll try updating some stories onto that website so that there can be more people commenting on my writing. >_< So if you do go there and read, feel free to comment on my writing there or come back here and comment on this post about one of the stories from that website.

March 20, 2012

Hey all (to whoever is actually reading all this),

I guess I'm starting to write to this blog as if it is a diary. Not much happened in school today. My classes for the day were AP Calculus, US History, and AP English Language. For the entire AP Calculus class, I've been working on my classwork. It's considered homework though. I worked on it in class and with my classmates. Later on in the day, I realized that I can't seem to understand much without the help of my classmates. As for US History, I finished watching Cinderella Man with the class. After that, our teacher started talking about different things, whether they connected to our class learning or not. Then for the last 30 minutes of class, we worked on a project that were based on Roosevelt's New Deals and what Acts/Agencies that they started. Moving on the AP English, most of the period, we were discussing about The Catcher in the Rye and how Holden feels towards Sunny. We were able to profit from much of our discussion time. We then got our essays from before back. I realized that I never seem to improve on my writing skills. 

For my homework for the day, I have:

AP Calculus: 
-Do the workbook homework and Study for a test on Thursday
US History: 
-The New Deals Project (Not necessarily homework so I'm not doing it)
AP English: 
-Finish Reading The Catcher in The Rye
-Start a blog discussion or post on the blog discussion before midnight of Friday Morning
-Rewrite my essay; due Tuesday 3/27/12