Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Magical Life - Chapter 1

Culture Festival: Day 1

"Kei! Hurry and go help the boys with the construction!!" I exclaimed. It was the week before the culture festival. Kei is my classmate. He's also my boyfriend. The Evergreen boys are at our school to participate in the Culture Festival . There are a group of boys in each class. Kei's class has been combined with my class to work together. That's why we're classmates for this year. Our class was participating by having a café. "Whatever ... I don ' t want to go, "Kei said sleepily.

"Just go already!!!" I shouted while shaking him awake. I was the leader or the one in charge. I had to help every group so that we can do everything and have everything perfect.

"Fine, I'll go," Kei said sadly. He kissed me on the cheek before he left to go. I blushed really deeply. Why did he have to kiss me at a time like this!! And it was in front of the whole class!!!

"Hey, Minori, Minami, go try and ask the drama or sewing club if they can let us borrow or help us make some costumes!" I called. The costumes were for the café. I was dressing up as a vampire with my wand changed into a scythe. Riku was going to be a devil with his wand changed into a scythe also.

"Yes!!" They both exclaimed. I walked around and helped every group. Riku came to me to tell me that a group of my friends were fooling around. I had to get them to go back to their own classrooms. I was also their leader which was quite strange. I became their leader because when I first joined them, I was dressed well than the previous leader in my vampire outfits. I saw Kei daydreaming once again. It was easy for me to notice because I was right above him in the classroom. This time I let him daydream. It's his choice in what he wants to do not mine. We accomplished one fourth of our work in one day. Everyone was very tired so I told them to go home and rest. I also told everyone that they had to ask their parents if they were allowed to stay after work to have dinner tomorrow. Even though I'm tired from all the work, I still decided to go to the club party that I always attended at night.

"Hey Minx, should I go to the club today?" I asked my stuffed bunny (The bunny was enchanted so it can move and speak).

"If that is what you want to do right now, and then go. It's not my choice in what you do." Answered Minx. Today was a vampire night. Everyone that went to the club had to dress like a vampire. Like most of the people there, I am a vampire also. My vampire dress was really cute. It looked like a maids outfit but without the small apron at the front and the maid hat. I also wore my vampire wings and vampire fangs. I held my scepter (staff) out in front of me and said, "Espera Beldo Limuri Clatera Plamenta!" It then changed into something more suitable to my outfit and the clubroom. It changed into a scythe. It was awesome in the club room. There were many people inside. Vampires and mortals (humans) both were there. My brother had a matching outfit of mine. After an hour of staying there, it was boring. I left early because of the crowded room and sweaty people. When I got home I asked, "Mom, can some butlers, maids, and servants come to my school, after school, to help cook and serve for everyone that was working hard tomorrow?"

"Sure, as long as they are alright by the time they get back," my mother replied. I was surprised that she replied so quickly. Usually she would reply the next day in the morning or about 2-3 hours later. I went to tell some specific butlers, maids, and servants. When I got to my room, I saw that all my siblings were together. "What are you doing in my room?" I questioned.

"What?! We wanted to talk to you about tomorrow," replied the eldest child (Kein).

"Well? What do you want?" I asked.

"We want some blood from your classmates. Is that alright with you?" My sister (Haine) said.

"Oh sure, but not from my best friends, Minori, Minami, and especially not my boyfriend." I replied

"Thanks, Mitsuki onee-chan!" Both my younger siblings exclaimed. They looked at each other and laughed. They realized that they both said the same thing at the same time. "Wait!" I screamed.

"What now?" Kei asked.

"Don't feast on Kei's friends either."


"Kei knows that I'm a vampire. He saw me feasting once. I don't want him to misunderstand."

"Ok! Bye then." I went over to my bed just to see that Riku is sleeping there. I woke him up just to make him sleep on his own bed. But before that in his sleep, he said, "Sister, don 't date please, I loved you for a long time. I don't want to see you heart broken after I tell you this. "

I didn't know what he was talking about or who he was talking about. It could've been me or Haine but not Hina because she is the youngest in the family. "What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Kei is an angel. He found this out after he started dating you. He is waiting for his angel fiancée to come so that he can have an excuse for breaking up with you. After he found out that you were a vampire, he tried to find an excuse to break up with you "answered Riku. I was surprised at this so I tried very hard to wake him up. After I woke him, he went out to feed on blood. I changed into my wolf form and went to sleep so I can be warm. My wolf form was a cute little wolf.

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