Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Magical Life - Chapter 5

Culture Festival: Day 5

I woke up and saw that Riku was still asleep. I stood up and went to change. After I changed, I went to wake Riku up, "Wake up Riku, we need to go now."

"Ok. Ok," Riku said while getting up. Riku went to the bathroom to get ready. I changed into my outfit/uniform. "Ok, so you ready?" Riku asked.

I replied, "Yeah. Let's go now." We both got to school on time to see that everyone had started to get ready.

"What needs to be done?" Minori asked.

"Oh, come with me Minori, Minami come also." I said.

"Okay, we'll both come." Minami said. They both followed me outside. "Okay. Here. You both will try to get people to come to our cafe. I'll send substitutes later or I may send more people to help you both later." I explained while giving them the fliers.

"Sure. We will do our best." They both said at the same time. I walked off afterwards. I went back to back to the room to see how they were all doing. "Hey are you all doing well with the foods?" I asked.

"They are all doing fine." Riku replied. I looked at him then out the window. "Okay. The people are coming in." I said.

"Okay. Everyone get to where you belong!" Riku exclaimed.

"Yes, Sir!" everyone answered. I told this girl named Claire to go with me downstairs. We walked all the way to the gate. "Okay, Claire, you will help Minori and Minami." I said.

"Okay." Claire said. I walked back to the room to see that everything is going very well.

*1 hour later*

"Okay everyone! Let's start the voice practices!" the singing teacher said. We started to practice and did a very good job. "Okay, let's go now!" my singing teacher said.

"Okay!" we all yelled. We went to the front and began to sing.

*30 minutes later*

"Okay, Dance team, go!" I yelled.

"Yeah!" everyone exclaimed. We went up and danced.

*30 minutes later*

"Okay. Let's clean up so we can go home now." I said. Everyone started cleaning up. I went to every group to help clean up and also prepare for tomorrow. When we were done, everyone left.

"Hey, Riku! Let's go now," I said.

"Sure, let's go now," Riku said. We walked home after we checked that everything was good. Not much happened in the morning at school so when we got home we changed into a magician form. We wandered around town to deal with the troubles that may happen. "Nothing strange is happening in town," I said.

"Yep, I know that." Riku replied. I looked around and finally remembered that our town has a nearby forest. "Riku, let's check the forest if there were kids playing with fire."

"Sure," Riku replied. We walked to the forest and we found kids in a cottage in the middle of the forest. The cottage was also caught on fire. If the fire spreads, the town would be in flames. "Riku, let's get the kids out." I said.

"Okay." Riku yelled while running into the cottage. I drenched myself in water and ran in and saved some kids. I put them outside the cottage while, Riku came out with three kids. "Riku! Ready?" I screamed.

"Ready!!" Riku yelled. I took out my scepter and started saying," Reflections on the surface. Rippling in the sound. I want you to help me. Please be found! WATER!"

"Living in the cold. White can't be hold. Giving the pureness. Seeking the pure light of SNOW!!" Riku yelled. Water and Ice both came and putted out the fire. The trees nearby the cottage were caught on fire. "Water!" I yelled.

"Goodness. It's great that we are all safe. Now kids, you guys can go home now." Riku said. The trees went back to normal. The kids all ran home when they were told to. Riku and I both went home and rested.

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