Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Magical Life - Chapter 3

Culture Festival: Day 3

After all that has happened the day before, I have avoided Kei the whole time. Even if he wanted to ask me something, I would tell him to go ask Riku( since Riku is the other one in charge). I helped all the groups and they were all doing extraordinarily well. After the work, the PA announced that all the leaders of each class were to go to the library so that hey may have a meeting. Our class already finished everything and already had their outfits to take home and wear it the next day. The head leader announced to us that everyone had already finished. They said that the culture festival will start on the day after tomorrow. Today is Wednesday. So it means that the culture festival would start on Friday. I was also part of the dance and singing group so I had to perform for both at the culture festival. I went back to the class with Riku and said, "The culture festival will start on Friday and the last day will be Monday."

"We need to get the food supplies tomorrow and store it," Riku said.

"So everyone, please help find some ingredients to help the cooking group to cook for the cafe." Everyone left to go home. I told Riku that I had to stay for the practice of the dance group and the singing group. The singing group was first. WE practiced very hard for the festival. After practice, I went home. I found Riku ready to go so I quickly dressed up. Tonight was Devil Night. We had to dress like a devil. Since I am a devil and so is my brother, we changed and took out our scythes. We went out to our meeting place with everyone else. We got there and we compared ourselves with the others. Today was practically devil's couple day. We had to have a partner to the club. My partner was practically my twin brother. We were the best dressed among our friends. " Riku, lets go already, most of us are here," I said.

"No, its dangerous down there at the moment, " Riku replied.

"what do you mean by dangerous?," I asked.

"Something is down there."

"then I'm going to go down there and see what it is," I said. I started walking down the stairs when my brother and sister came up. Haine said, " Hey, sis! Don't go down there...it's bloody nasty down there."

"Umm... ok... hey, Riku, let's go somewhere else," I said.

"Sure let's go now... how about the park?" Riku asked.

"Awesome idea, Riku!" I exclaimed. We waled to the top of the hill which is within the park. We sat at the top and watched the stars. "Ok this is boring," I said.

"Well ok, I'll announce that we are all to go home now," Riku said. Riku stood up and announced it. We all went home afterward. I walked to my room and sat on my bed. "So how was it today?" Minx asked.

"It was fin, though there was some problems down at the club part room." I replied. I looked around the room and noticed that some things were different. " So you had a party with your friends in my room?" I asked.

"Yeah and? Well it doesn't matter much unless one of them took something."

"Well, ok. We should go do our thing now."

"Ok, sure. We should go now." Minx changes into a wolf. I changed into my guardian outfit and jumped out into the night sky. Minx followed me out there. We wandered around looking if there was any problems in the night. After we looked around we went back home.

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